A popular objection to atheists' arguments and critiques of theism is to insist that one's preferred god cannot be disproven — indeed, that science itself is unable to prove that God does not exist. This position depends upon a mistaken understanding of the nature of science and how science operates. In a very real and important sense, it is possible to say that, scientifically, God does not exist — just as science is able to discount the existence of a myriad of other alleged beings. To understand why "God does not exist" can be a legitimate scientific statement, it's important to understand what the statement means in the context of science. When a scientist says "God does not exist," they mean something similar to when they say "either does not exist," "psychic powers do not exist," or "life does not exist on the moon." All such statements are casual short-hand for a more elaborate and technical statement: " this alleged entity has no place in any scientific equations, plays no role in any scientific explanations, cannot be used to predict any events, does not describe anything or force that has yet been detected, and there are no models of the universe in which its presence is either required, productive, or useful." What should be most obvious about the more technically accurate statement is that it isn't absolute. It does not deny for all time any possible existence of the entity or force in question; instead, it's a provisional statement denying the existence of any relevance or reality to the entity or force based on what we currently know. Religious theists may be quick to seize upon this and insist that it demonstrates that science cannot "prove" that God does not exist, but that requires far too strict of a standard for what it means to "prove" something scientifically
To make an argument for the existence of God, we must start by asking the right questions. And where to begin is with the most basic metaphysical question: “Why do we have something rather than nothing at all?”
The Big bang:
The Big Bang theory is one of the major causes in the Universe. The term ‘Big Bang’ generally refers to the idea that the universe has expanded from a primordial hot and dense initial condition at some finite time in the past, and continues to expand to this day. To some it is THE first cause of creation and in some ways this is true; although the Big Bang theory cannot and does not provide any explanation for such an initial condition; rather, it just describes and explains the general evolution of the universe since that initial episode or event.
So “Why do we have something rather than nothing at all?” The answer to this question is found within the structure of our Planet; Earth.
Our Earth is living, just like any Tree, plant or organism that lives upon its surface; it is the Mother of all Earthly creation. The problem with Creationist is that they look at life through a very small window; they do not see the full picture because they are too held back by the concept of creation narrated in the Bible. The Bible gives the reason for the Universe as a place for the Earth to live and thus for us to inhabit, that we are the centre of that creation and the whole is there for our benefit, an Atheist is not held by such naive notions. As we look at the universe we see it as a whole, not as the heavens or as some cosmic lighting system. If we look at the Universe as a whole we can see that our existence is irrelevant to its being, we can see that we as a people have no influence on its design or nature, a little bit like the winds of the earth and the crash of the sea, in short it would carry on if we ceased to exist.
Let us look at the Earths makup
Geophysics, which studies the physics of the Earth, has led to many significant discoveries about the Earth and its make-up. Seismologic studies of the Earth have uncovered new information about the interior of the Earth that has helped to give credence to plate tectonic theory. Our Earth is made up of several layers: The Crust, The Mantle, The Inner Core and Outer Core - Each of these layers has its own properties. The outermost layer of the Earth is the crust. This comprises the continents and ocean basins. The crust has a variable thickness, being 35-70 km thick in the continents and 5-10 km thick in the ocean basins. The crust is composed mainly of alumino-silicates. The next layer is the mantle, which is composed mainly of ferro-magnesium silicates. It is about 2900 km thick, and is separated into the upper and lower mantle. This is where most of the internal heat of the Earth is located. Large convective cells in the mantle circulate heat and may drive plate tectonic processes. The last layer is the core, which is separated into the liquid outer core and the solid inner core. The outer core is 2300 km thick and the inner core is 1200 km thick. The outer core is composed mainly of a nickel-iron alloy, while the inner core is almost entirely composed of iron. Earth's magnetic field is believed to be controlled by the liquid outer core. The Earth is separated into layers based on mechanical properties in addition to composition. The topmost layer is the lithosphere, which is comprised of the crust and solid portion of the upper mantle. The lithosphere is divided into many plates that move in relation to each other due to tectonic forces. The lithosphere essentially floats atop a semi-liquid layer known as the asthenosphere; this layer allows the solid lithosphere to move around since the asthenosphere is much weaker than the lithosphere.
(Source: http://scign.jpl.nasa.gov/learn/plate1.htm )
These same attributes can be found throughout the solar system and would most likely be the building blocks of the entire universe.
Where did the original building blocks originate?
They originated with the big bang. Our Universe is the consequence of this cataclysmic event; what we cannot say for certain is what came or existed before the big bang? This is unanswerable, but the sequence of events that proceeded from this cause explains our existence. Thanks to the scientific breakthrough of Darwin and his Evolutional theory and Einstein’s theory of relativity, it can be concluded that we are but a mathematical probability of circumstance. Each and every cause can be determined by its effect and this can be used to determine past events. We can also clarify our hypothesis through our constant observation of similar effects throughout the known galaxy.
One hypothesis is that there was a Universe before ours that existed for trillions of years until it eventually sunk into a black hole, this event causing the big bang which then scattered the building blocks of life to begin again. (I like this theory, for it would make some sense, but it doesn’t answer the main question of where the building blocks originated)
Let us have some fun philosophising
Everything within the known universe is spherical in its design, the Earth and the planets etc, share this design, so what if the Universe itself, the space encompassing space is also spherical in its design? This would present an idea that our Universe is but one of many Universes, much like our stars within our own galaxy, a mega-universe incorporating a myriad of universes.
Our Universe is expanding! But for something to expand there has to be space for it to expand into; so what is the space beyond the universe? Think of it like a balloon in a box, the balloon will expand only as far as the box will allow, then it will explode, but then this begs the question: what is outside of the box?
It is within all of us to philosophise and we must look at all possibilities to understand the questions, never mind find the answer.
Oh the ramblings of a mad man!! Haha lol.
Answer: There is no evidence of Yahweh, there is no need for Yahweh, and there is no need for life to exist at all in the biblical sense. Evolution and scientific theory can never explain existence, but what it does do is negate the biblical explanation of creation. A God cannot be given a place as the first cause for we do not even have any real facts of what that first cause was; we only know what resulted from the last big bang.
God (Yahweh) called his sons out of Egypt and it is here that we find the real basis for Christianity and the Genesis of the Old Testament. The 10 commandments, as we know, were plagiarised from the book of the dead (The Ritual) – The writers of the Pentateuch were highly influenced by the Mythos religions of Egypt: Isis, Ra and Elohim = Israel, The chosen people (worshipers) of God. It is more likely that they were but one sect within the religious structure of Egypt and they under scrutiny emancipated themselves from the over-rule of the Pharaohs and made a life for themselves in Canaan, taking their beliefs with them, beliefs that are well founded in astrology and the Zodiac of the heavens. Once we get familiar with the Zodiac, the Bible practically tells us where to look. At the beginning of the first century, the sun on the vernal equinox passed from Aries to Pisces. That harmonizes with the oft-mentioned lamb and fish in the gospels. In John the Baptist, we see Aquarius, a man pouring water. Mary is Virgo the virgin. Next to Virgo is Bootes as Joseph. There is even a tiny constellation between them that represents baby Jesus, Coma Berenices.
Christianity and Judaism are revealed religions in the visual sense of dividing the motion of heavenly bodies. Messenger angels were angles of the stars. The son of God is the Sun of God. The red sunsets personify his blood. Moses and David were sun heroes to Jews. Those halos we see on Christian art represent the sun's corona.
Astrology precedes written history, and there is evidence of it all around the globe. If the gods dwelt in heaven, it was only natural for priests to look to heaven for signs to what the king had to know to please them. Egypt has star charts that go as far back as 4,200 BCE. The earliest forms of astrology came from Babylonia, Assyria, and Egypt. They merged with Greece when the conquests of Alexander the Great after 323 BCE spread Greek culture throughout the Mesopotamian and Roman world.
While it is true that the Bible rejects horoscope astrology, that has more to do with rivalry and differences of opinion. Matthew's narration of the Wise Men and the Star of Bethlehem demonstrates that Christians used it too. Though pagans first used it for kings, it began to be applied to individuals. For the Bible's priests, this was sacrilege. God dwelt in heaven and they were his chosen medium to whom he revealed his word. It seems clear that the astrological nature of early Christianity was understood by the Bible writers and their contemporaries. It was common practice in the ancient world, so there is no reason to think otherwise, though contemporary Christians and Jews like to think otherwise.
The real Jesus that was mixed in with the mythical Christ.